Faithful to the Covid-19 narrative?
Author: Stephen Andrews (January 2023)
During the covid-19 pandemic it has been widely recognised that there has been extensive censorship. This censorship included reputable scientific journals and academic institutions who rely heavily on funding from governments and big pharma. During recent times there has been a vast amount of data generated around respiratory viruses, in particular covid-19, but authors have had to toe the line with any data that contradicts the accepted narrative. Therefore, scientists have had to ignore such data no matter how glaring the questions it raised. Giving some of these researchers the benefit of the doubt, they may not raise the alarm bells, but they still felt ethically bound to report their findings.
I recently came across two such papers that inadvertently offer strong empirical data on the nature of URTI’s such as influenza and covid-19. The first of these papers was published in June 2021 by Chinese authors (1) that analysed the impact of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI’s) using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. This paper examined the global prevalence and severity of URTI’s in 206 countries and 20 regions over the last thirty years making a specific comparison between 1990 and 2019. The GBD study incorporates a huge amount of data, and it recorded 17.9 billion URTI’s in 2019. The discussion section of this paper seemed very limited when confronted with some strange phenomena. For instance, the average difference on a regional basis between the URTI’s in 1990 and 2019 was 0.7% (max = 0.8%, min= -3.9%) and that the average number of infections annually was 2.25 per individual. This included mild to severe infections. How this data is captured, since mild infections presumably did not necessarily require medical intervention, and recording must vary wildly across the globe, is questionable. However, you would assume that these factors would add variability not reduce it?
This is a graphical representation of that data:
If this data is correct, it has significant implications. To summarise there is no change in the annual URTI’s for 20 global regions thirty years apart! The average prevalence is massive at 2.25 infections / individual. The key question that arises from this data is how does this staggering consistency of response to URTI’s occur? The authors barely mention it?
If the data is an accurate reflection of the global situation, we can conclude that the human reservoir is quite constant, and the proportion infected within anyone global region is also constant. A possible hypothesis that could explain this strange phenomenon is that when upper respiratory viruses infect a host a chemical signal(s) is released that effectively communicate the availability of cells. A virus that has evolved a superior capacity to evade the hosts immune system will therefore suppress other viruses from infecting. This is known as pathogen interference. The rate of infection is therefore regulated and effectively constant, which aligns with this data. It is implicit from this hypothesis that a high proportion of viruses that are responsible for URTI’s have evolved similar mechanisms of recognising cell availability within hosts. The driving force behind this proposed common evolved mechanism is that any virus wants to maximise their ability to replicate and infect as many host cells as possible. The massive rate of infections (2.25 / year per individual) is indicative of the continuous exposure to URTI viruses in which we as humans are in a continuous battle.
The second paper (2), officially published in Nature in March 2022, (preprint September 2021?) examined the impact of covid-19 on influenza. This paper generated a streamgraph for the disappearance of the various strains of influenza;
This paper, like the previously cited publication, had a very limited discussion section as it seemed to be wedded to the notion that lockdowns were responsible for the disappearance of influenza. This seemed a very strange conclusion when clearly various influenza strains were disappearing prior to the first lockdowns? I have added the first lockdown date in Italy for reference. An explanation of this streamgraph is that we can see the timeline of active suppression of the dominant infecting pathogen (covid-19) on influenza through this common signalling mechanism. The two waves of major suppression probably represent the seasonal activation in the Southern and Northern hemispheres. If this is what is happening, then it is possible to extrapolate from this data the timeline of global spread of covid-19. It would appear that the first impact was prior to July 2019 and this fits well with other early detection evidence (3)(4). It is also implicit that there was significant early global exposure to covid-19 pandemic and questions virtually all the measures that were implemented around the world.
The data in the papers cited above also supports the hypothesis / propositions of R.E. Hope-Simpson and D.B Golubev(5), specific to influenza, in that the virus initially embeds at a low / latent level and then is reactivated by a seasonal signal. I have written further Substack articles that further expand on this concept (6).
The chemical signalling that exists between viruses, hosts and bacteria have been known for very many years (7). This was ignored during the pandemic. If you are interested in learning more about the fascinating phenomena of pathogen interference, I would recommend the extensive work of Dr Rodney Jones and Andrey Ponomarenko (8). There are also the various publications and presentations by Professor Christine Stabel-Benn (9).
What everyone seems to ignore is the fact that the source of both COVID-19 and the mRNA injection are from the same group  that are trying to build profit and reduce world population. Both contain the same spike protein just in different quantities. As Tennessee Ernie Ford used to sing if the first one don’t get you the second one will.
Boy, I wish I had this available about a year ago when arguing with a med student on the efficacy of masks against viruses. He stated the fact that flu had disappeared during covid was proof masks worked against viruses. Ignoring for the moment that if they worked against the flu so well that it disappeared, why then is covid still spreading, I brought up this condition you describe of one infectious agent suppressing others. The med student said I didn’t know what I was talking about, that no such thing exists.