Wow! What a different, and wonderful, and much more meaningful, perspective Figure 3 provides! Flora and fauna on earth have survived massive seasonal variations in local temperature for millions of years, and yet we are to be scared witless by the Green Blob into going communist and consenting to totalitarian rule to ensure "nicer weather" for the average global inhabitant 80 years from now. I am continually astonished by the fear mongering of "average global temperatures". Averages are fictitious numbers. There is not a single human being who is living, nor will any human ever be living, in the average global temperature. All "experienced" temperatures are local- the average is simply a mental concept and not real. If an "average" were real, an average human being would have half a penis, one ovary, and half a vagina. With some 30 different identified climates on earth, "average global temperature anomaly" obsession is just idiocy.

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As the title of this article suggests perspective is everything in building an accurate picture of what is actually going on. I was a trusting believer in the climate change narrative. I even wrote into UK national radio stating that unless we change our ways we are all doomed. When you actually examine, hopefully reliable data, such as ice core proxies and direct temperature measurements it paints a very different picture. I wonder what would happen if I presented this basic data at an IPCC event?

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Won't be long before your description of the average human being is pretty accurate given current Wokidiocy LOL

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Great presentation. Let me also draw your attention to NOAA’s sea level data vs. CO2 ppm. Sea level measured by The Battery tide gauge NYC has been rising in a linear trend since 1850’s vs CO2 measured at Mona Loa Observatory is an X(squared) -X relationship and has zero correlation from 1950s as it rose from 315ppm to ~425ppm today.

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Thanks for making me aware of this corroborating information. In all three of my climate elated publications I have tried to use the most reliable data available on the the most sensitive region of our planet. It would be interesting to present the data from all three at an IPCC event.

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I would have popped in the chart, but substack does not give me that option. The chart of The Battery Tide gauge vs CO2 is pretty dramatic visual. Here are the links:





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...adding that sea level is global, more or less self-leveling, and directly linked to global temp, it serves as a proxy for the pace of polar ice melting. It is not perfect since the CO2 rise is greening the earth which means more water is retained in vegetation on land. The CO2 measure is assumed nearly correct as in the middle of the Pacific, with trade winds, local effects tend to be unimportant but for the recent volcanic activity.

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The woman responsible (I should thank her!) for waking me up to this climate scam helped run a MOOC on "climate denial" which I took when I was naive enough to trust the 'climate experts'. The penny dropped when she started talking about 'inoculating people against misinformation about the vaccines'. (As a former biologist I knew enough about this subject to spot the lies.) She changed her profile picture at one stage to herself wearing a blouse made of the climate stripes LOL!

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Excellent perspective indeed! Thank you.

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